REMOTE > ONSITE: Reconnecting, Reestablishing, Reengaging

We are tremendously proud of our Barak Campus students who have carried themselves as well as they have during remote learning and we look forward to supporting them as they return to on-site learning. Over the last term, teachers and staff have made a tremendous effort with redesigning and facilitating remote learning and care for students. Teachers and Year Level Leaders have been communicating and keeping in touch and offering support with students and parents. And now, with student and staff returning to the campus, we are excited to have all our students return ‘up on the Hill’ together.

We have enjoyed hearing positive stories and examples of how some students would like for us to continue some elements and activities with our on-site delivery of lessons and assessment. But, we also know that some students have struggled with remote learning - whether due to accessibility issues or maintaining the discipline of attending each lesson and completing classwork and assessment. We encourage students to not feel any undue pressure to get ‘up to speed’ quickly. Our amazing teachers understand that after this last lockdown, students will need understanding and encouragement as we all reconnect, reestablish and reengage.

Reconnect: a key strength of our MLMC community is how we value relationships, which will be instrumental as we move both physically and relationally (students and teachers!) from being isolated by ourselves to being back on campus surrounded by hundreds. Learning to share the space together, sharing conversations and discussions, sharing study together and sharing care for each other.

Reestablish: helping students reestablish their pathway plans, goals and aspirations. For many the interruption of COVID-19 lockdown and isolation, and trying to process events locally and worldwide, may have been extremely difficult without having the normal support structures in place to share concerns, questions, and fears. This includes those questions on every young person’s mind about ‘What would I like to do with my future?’ and ‘What do I need to get there?’. It can be very hard to plan for ‘our next step’ when that possible path is interrupted by such extraordinary events and circumstances. We encourage our students to have conversations with their family members about recent months. This includes conversations about pathway plans they have had in the past, and after recent events — have they changed? Do they need to identify new goals, or reestablish old ones?  

Reengage: students are taking the opportunity from being back on site to build on the learning and work they did remotely. This includes using new methods, skills and tools to deepen understanding as they explore topics and their significance; embedding study habits and techniques for more effective preparation with assessment activities. Significantly, many students have tangibly expressed their appreciation and value of what they experience in their ‘normal’ learning environment.

I want to personally acknowledge and affirm the incredible work and care given to students by the Barak Leadership Team of Mr Greg Hysted, Miss Cass Poynter, Mrs Marie Prusac, Mr Thomas Warren, Mr Andrew Leaumont, Mrs Alison Schlueter and Mrs Tamara Rundle. As we continue to plan and deliver new timelines around new dates for exams and other end-of-year activities we will, of course, keep both students and families updated as we progress. And we thank you for your trust, patience and understanding.