It is an exciting time for the College as we launch a brand refresh. The brand refresh will give us a more contemporary look, making us stand out more and communicate our College vision better. 

Above you will notice our new College logo. The crest and 'Omnia cum Deo' motto remains the same reflecting our strong history and traditions. Mount Lilydale Mercy College is now in a new font making us more modern and symbolising our future.

Our new College tagline is 'Be the difference'. Replacing 'Be Your Best. Give Your Best.' — it still encapsulates the essence of what we are trying to achieve at the College. 'Be the difference' is an inspirational phrase that encourages individuals to take action or exhibit behaviours that create positive change or distinction in a situation or community. It implies that by your actions, attitude, or choices, you have the power to make a meaningful impact or bring about a positive transformation. It’s a call to take responsibility and be proactive in shaping outcomes for the better, emphasising the importance of individual contribution to larger goals or improvements.
