I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas holiday break and that you are now refreshed and ready to tackle the new year. It's great to have you back!

I hope your holidays were restful and renewing, providing you with the energy and inspiration you need to take on the challenges ahead. Whether you traveled, spent time with loved ones, or simply relaxed at home, we hope you were able to make the most of your time off.

I would also like to extend a warm welcome to our new members of the community. We are excited to have your family join us and look forward to getting to know you better.

With the College as busy as ever, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you to keep a close eye on the College calendar for events coming up. We have a lot of exciting things planned, and we would love for you to be a part of them.

Additionally, if you have had any changes in your personal details, please make sure to update them if you haven't already done so. Keeping our records up-to-date is important for ensuring that we can keep in touch and that you receive all of the latest news and updates from the College.

As we move forward into the new year, we are excited to announce that our new theme for the year is ‘Courage’. We believe that this Mercy value is particularly inspiring and provides us with the motivation needed to get involved in all the College offers. We encourage all students to embrace this theme, and for them to be brave and bold in all that they do, and to always be willing to take on new challenges and opportunities.

By now our uniform expectations have been well advertised. Please support us in ensuring your child arrives at the College each day ready to learn, thus avoiding the need to use valuable time addressing uniform issues. Also, as a SunSmart school, we remind you that with the summer uniform, a College hat must be worn at recess and lunchtimes.

Child Safety

The College places the highest level of importance on ensuring a child safe environment. This means taking active steps to protect children from harm, promoting their welfare, and creating a culture of safety throughout the College. This is accomplished by implementing policies and procedures that prevent and respond to child abuse, providing ongoing training and education to staff and students, and fostering a culture that promotes child safety and encourages the reporting of any incidents or concerns. Ensuring a child safe environment is crucial in maintaining the trust and confidence of students, families, and the wider community, and is essential in fulfilling the College's obligations as a responsible member of society, ensuring all requirements of Ministerial Order 1359 are met. More information about the College’s commitment to ensure a child safe environment can be found on our College website. Click HERE.

As always, I am only an email or phone call away. Please let me know if ever there is something you need.