Despite the recent lockdown, and the challenges that our College Musical cast, band and crew have faced with COVID-19, (as they say) ‘the show must go on!’

We have been working hard to catch up on lost rehearsals and build the momentum and excitement back up as we hurdle towards opening night for our production of Matilda in late July. This week we began to build our set, painting countless boxes to build the 'world of Matilda'. The band have now monumentally rehearsed all songs in the show, and as of Wednesday night this week, the cast have officially learnt all songs and rehearsed all scenes.

All students have worked incredibly hard and we are keeping our fingers crossed that Victoria continues to see some sense of COVID-normality as we get closer to the performances.

We are looking forward to school holiday rehearsals, where the show continues to come together, with all of the separate parts of the performance becoming one. This is always an exciting time for everyone involved.

Keep your eye on the College newsletter for ticket release details in Term 3.
