Meeting the Minimum Standards through a restorative learning procedure

At MLMC, we pride ourselves in offering a holistic education. This philosophy has a very clear set of practical guidelines on how we manage the learning and wellbeing needs of our students. In our post-pandemic context, teachers have noticed a marked difference in how our students are responding to work requirements and academic standards set in assessment tasks.

Over the course of 2022, we reviewed our internal and external student performance data, conducting data informed-dialogues in various forums in order to respond to this challenge.

This has led to a few changes to our Assessment and Reporting Policy implementation guidelines. These changes focus not just on what we do as teachers, but how we go about the task of encouraging students to meet the minimum standards in assessment tasks.

These changes aim to streamline existing procedures to guide non-submission of work, late work and below standard submissions. It also provides a common approach to improve student outcomes focused on growth and ultimately increase student accountability.

We wish to draw your attention to the following information:

Parents can track student progress by checking on SIMON if a task has not been submitted.

A notification for late work or non-submission will be issued by the subject teacher.

Before issuing a Supervised Study Session (SSS), teachers will enquire from the student and/or the parent the reason for the below standard work or the non-submission of work.

Parents and students will be notified of an SSS via PAM.

Students are expected to attend the SSS even if they submit the task prior to the date of the SSS.

Below is a one-page guide to the Assessment Task Process which outlines the restorative learning procedures. This process and the procedures will commence in Semester 2.

We have high expectations of our students and we believe that they are able to meet these minimum standards with the support of parents/guardians. Our joint efforts to encourage them to give their best and do their best, no matter what the obstacles may be, is how we develop resilient, growth mindset learners.

Late work flow chart