It’s never too early to start a conversation about careers. And while some might say a Year 7 or Year 8 student is too young to think about work, the fact is from an early age children’s assumptions about jobs are formed and they can often limit their own personal options. At MLMC we are continuously working to expose our students to a diversity of subjects and programs as well as information about careers to broaden their future choices and expand their horizons.

This year, we are excited about the launch of the MLMC Pathway Portal. The Pathway Portal was designed to give students opportunities to take on greater responsibility in decision making as they develop an academic pathway that will best cultivate their passion, skills and capabilities — to promote excellence and achieve their own success in their education and life beyond school in their future studies or careers.

The Pathway Portal details multiple student pathways through a range of learning experiences at MLMC. With the support of parents, homeroom teachers, Faculty Leaders and the Careers team, students are encouraged to examine their goals and aspirations, their strengths, their passions and the prerequisite requirements for tertiary or vocational courses as they consider which pathway is right for them. Over the coming weeks, there will be a number of opportunities to talk face-to-face or online with staff to clarify any line of student or parent inquiry.

Each family with a student in Years 8-11 would have received a letter outlining the re-enrolment and pathway selection process for 2020. Due to COVID-19, the process for subject and pathway selection has been adapted to meet our student and family needs as well as state requirements.

The MLMC Pathway Portal is accessible for students via SIMON and on PAM for parents. To date over 15,000 people have visited the site — it is wonderful to see so many students, parents and teachers enaging with the information.

This new portal will assist students with elective information before they enter their subject choices into the Web Preferences Portal. It includes:

  • the Pathway Selection Parent Guide for important information on the pathway selection process
  • a video tutorial, detailing the Pathway Selection and Web Preference Portal process for students which was shown during Pastoral Care this week. Parents will be able to access this video via the Pathway Portal, to help support your child’s decision making
  • important dates for each stage of the process for students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. This year Subject Confirmation Interviews will take place online. Further details on bookings will be forthcoming.

Now, as we walk together, planning for a future yet unknown, I hope you find the process engaging, energising and exciting, simply because it is filled with possibility. Since the launch of the Pathway Portal on Monday 20 July, there has been 14,943 visits, which speaks to the optimism of students.
