The VET Hospitality class had the opportunity to have a pasta masterclass on Wednesday 15 June with our very own Ms Nadia Fragnito, a staff member who is also an author and blogger of The Vegan Italian Kitchen and A Vegan Summer in Southern Italy.

Ms Fragnito demonstrated the skills to make tria (a rustic ribbon pasta) from scratch, sugo di pomodoro (slow-cooked tomato sauce) and crema di peperoni gialli (yellow capsicum cream sauce). These recipes are all from southern Italy where Ms Fragnito has travelled extensively and written about in her latest book.

Students spent the afternoon hand rolling and creating different pasta dishes, then took the time to sit down and enjoy the pasta feast. Keira Sandford (Year 11 Bronze) said "the opportunity to hand roll pasta from scratch was so much fun”.

The Certificate II in Hospitality VET course taught here at MLMC provides the students with a year-long course gaining front of house and kitchen skills. Students have the opportunity to receive their food handling certificate, gain barista skills and achieve responsible service of alcohol accreditation. They can also gain key knowledge and skills for catering in-house events such as the College’s annual wine launch and parent seminars, while just recently they baked 400 biscuits for the Year 7 Special Persons’ Day.

The Hospitality industry is an innovative industry with myriad career opportunities from entry-level roles right through to chief executive positions. Ms Fragnito’s love of Italian food has taken her all over the world cooking and learning and recently she made a guest appearance on TV show Everyday Gourmet with chef Justine Schofield.
