MLMC has started a mentoring program for students who are on the autism spectrum with a company called I CAN Network. Founded by Chris Varney in 2013, the program aims to prove what people with autism can do and develop a world that benefits from embracing autism.

A select group of MLMC students will meet weekly with two mentors from I CAN Network who identify as being on the autism spectrum. Normally these meetings would be facilitated face-to-face, but for now they held are via Zoom. The program explores teamwork, personal motivations and strengths, saying ‘I CAN’, communication and planning, and organising.

One MLMC student said of a mentoring session: "I enjoyed it very much and thought it was very nice. I thought it was interesting finding out about other people's interests."

We look forward to seeing the progress these students make in the coming weeks and we hope they enjoy it.