Financial support available

During these times of working and studying online, we rely heavily on our internet equipment to function effectively. If students are having issues with their home internet, there are funding options available to families.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to consider the COVID-19 Education Assistance Package that is available to families until 30 September 2020. Information about this offer is explained in the flyer attached HERE.

If you require further information, please contact the College’s Counselling and Wellbeing team via an email to

Documentary film Screenagers

Australian statistics indicate that almost nine in 10 people (88%) use social media. It is therefore important to understand how our young people connect with social media, engage in gaming and how they use screens. On that note, a thought provoking documentary called Screenagers is available to parents, carers, educators and the general public to view online for a period of two weeks, starting on Wednesday 26 August 2020. It is free and can be viewed at your convenience. Please see details on how to register via the flyer attached HERE.