See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

— Isaiah 43:19

At this time of uncertainty, I think we could be forgiven for wondering if spring will ever arrive — not just the season itself, but the light and hope and joy that it brings. I love the thoughts reflected in the prayer below. The content has been taken from A Prayer when it feels like winter will never end, by Gregory Coles:

Today, God, I'm not asking for spring to come before its time. I'm just asking that You teach me to cling to a hope that feels far away.

Give me the grace of memory. Remind me of the countless ways, both big and small, that You have already proven Yourself to me.
Remind me that, although hopeless times have come and gone like passing seasons, they have never been the end of my story.
Remind me of breakthrough and laughter and light. Remind me what spring feels like.

Give me fresh reminders of Your love and grace, small mercies to sustain me until the bigger mercies arrive.

And then, when the time comes, please give me spring again.

Give me a heart that rejoices in the delights and sorrows of each passing year, a heart that grows warmer with every winter it endures.
Teach me to believe in spring.
