All parents struggle a little, from time to time, with home schooling — even Rosie the sheep.

It is fitting that working in a Catholic school that values Shepherd Leadership our students in turn care for and maintain a flock of sheep. This year of isolation and coronavirus-related challenges has not changed the seasonal cycles of birth on the College’s McAuley Park Farm and our flock of sheep are now lambing, both at the College and at our Wandin farm site. The beauty of the animals steadily doing as they are supposed to do, caring for and tending to their young, gives great comfort and hope.

Those students involved in Agriculture classes this year, although via remote learning, are now beginning their studies of sheep during this exciting time. Their love of animals and the chance, albeit remotely, to have time with the animals during lambing provides reassurance that life goes on.

Although it is requiring great creativity and flexibility, the farm’s support and teaching team are ensuring that like so many other programs within the College, our Agriculture and Horticulture students do not miss out on the important things. It is a unique and profound privilege that we have, to bring students into close contact with the cycle of life during their time at school.

Like a shepherd He will tend His flock,
In His arm He will gather the lambs
And carry them in His bosom;
He will gently lead the nursing ewes.
— Isaiah 40:11