On the first day of Term 3 an English incursion was held for all Year 11 students. The incursion with the Eagle's Nest Theatre Company offered our students the ability to not only experience two separate texts to better understand them, but also teach them the skills involved when comparing two separate texts and analysing their themes, messages and characters.

Here are two students’ reflections of the incursion:

This incursion involved a small group of students joining the actors on stage, which helped us immerse ourselves within the story, giving us the chance to analyse it from a different perspective. Not only were the performances filled with entertainment and talent, but they were very educational at the same time. Every bit of information that was given was relevant, concise and easy to understand.
— Scott Colliver (Year 11 Bronze)

Our incursion offered an engaging chance to learn about close passage analysis and the two texts On the Waterfront and Twelve Angry Men. Being able to view each text side by side allowed for a fun chance to compare each of the works and their thematic similarities. By starting a discussion around key scenes and ideas the process of creating a comparative essay became less daunting as we were taught how to identify and evaluate narrative similarities that may have gone unnoticed at first glance. The actors were able to relate the scenes back to us in a way that was easier to understand and the laidback, friendly nature of the performance allowed for more comfort throughout the show which helped to later engage in discussions and reflections of the texts.
— Ella Preston (Year 11 Bronze)
