The Year 10 Art class has been hard at work these last few weeks building on their knowledge of the art elements and principles and applying them to their own practice. One of their drawing exercises was to focus on the element of form and draw one of the most challenging subjects: hands.

Form is the three dimensional quality of an object and how we perceive it. Finding and drawing the basic forms of your subject, such as cylinders, cubes, prisms and so on, helps to create a ‘skeleton’ of the subject that you can then outline to create a more realistic artwork. This is what the Year 10s did to achieve the hands you see in this article.

The images (above and below) are some of the stellar examples of work in MLMC’s Year 10 Art class.

Here are some student reflections on the task of learning art from home:

One of my favourite classes in remote learning is art. It has been challenging at times but it has always been a fun and exciting class to do. I am learning lots of new drawing/painting styles this semester. This class also makes me feel comfortable to explore and brainstorm different ways to present my art in a creative and unique way.
— Jaimee Wilson (Year 10 Silver) (pictured, above)

The task I enjoyed the most was when we chose an object to draw. I enjoyed that because I was able to choose something that I enjoy.
— Brodie Leist (Year 10 Bronze)

The students have taken the challenge of being a part of a remote art class in their stride, and their submissions continue to impress! Look out for their still life drawings in our next newsletter.
