As part of 2020 National Science Week, which ran from 17 August to 21 August and had the theme ‘Deep Blue: Innovations for the future of our oceans’, MLMC’s Science faculty ran a photo competition called ‘My Connection to the Ocean’. The competition aimed to promote and raise awareness among students and staff about the importance of looking after the health of our oceans to care for the wellbeing of our planet.

We have a responsibility to protect ocean life and to address issues such as plastic pollution and climate change. As Australians, many of us also have a personal connection to our country’s coastline.

The winner of the photo competition was Amber Usenich (Year 9 Gold) with her photo of a slightly rocky beach at dusk. Honourable mentions go to:

  • Millie Barker (Year 10 White) — sunset at a beach
  • Seamus Coffey (Year 10 Blue) — the lighthouse
  • Lincoln van Duuren (Year 8 Gold) — rocky coastline.

Well done to all the participants! Students and staff will be able to enjoy all the photo submissions on display in the Harley Laboratories over the coming months.

Well done also to the winner of the Science Week quiz, Denisse Lopez Garza (Year 8 Blue).

A big thank you to our Science prefect Jamieson Manger for all of her work during Science Week and also to our photo competition judges.

Other entries in the gallery are from Sophie Manser (Year 7 Green), Nikita Garrett (Year 10 Purple), Jamieson Manger (Year 12 Gold).
