This week a group of Year 12 students and staff members will host the annual Vinnies Winter Sleepout at the College to raise funds for homelessness. Please support this cause if you are able to by visiting this link:


O God you are a God of justice, mercy, and compassion.

Support us, your servants of the poor, as we endeavour to bring your love and compassion to people who are homeless and in need of your love.

We pray that we will see you, our all-loving God in each homeless person we encounter and in our service for those in need.

May we do all in our power to support each person reach their potential, so they experience the fullness of life.

May the example of St. Vincent de Paul inspire us to be generous of hearts and hand to the needy.

May our generosity flow from humble gratitude for your many gifts to us, rather than from false pride in our own abilities.

Help us to respond willingly to the Gospel call to self-giving love, to look for ways to serve rather than expecting to be served.


Prayer adapted from the Prayers of St Vincent and the St Vincent de Paul Society