We are very excited to be well into the planning for Mercy Day 2022. The last time we were able to celebrate a full Mercy Day on site was in 2019. The Sisters of Mercy worldwide celebrate Mercy Day on 24 September, but because this falls during our school holidays Mercy schools celebrate early. We will celebrate Mercy Day on Friday 16 September.

The great feast that unites the Mercy world is Mercy Day. Its origin dates back to 24 September 1827 when the house on Baggot Street opened as a school for the education of poor young girls and as a residence for homeless girls and women.

Mercy Day will start with a liturgy for the whole College followed by a day of celebration including fun rides, food vans, a talent show competition, activities and games and a parade to finish the day. We also aim to raise much-needed funds to support Mercy Works. Students will receive information over the next few weeks via the Simon notices and homeroom bulletins.

Below is a list of the food available on the day and the prices.