During the latest lockdown, the libraries team at MLMC have offered to students and staff the opportunity to participate in a Flash Fiction Challenge.

The premise behind a creative challenge is to give students a short break from their school work, to switch gears for a little while and to unblock their imaginations. This in turn helps students to refocus back on to school-based tasks.

Each day an image is posted on Simon. The challenge is for students and teachers to write a story of 30 words or less based on the prompt. Students may enter as many short stories as they like. Prizes will be awarded for both students and staff at the end of lockdown and the winners and their stories will be announced in a future newsletter.

It has been great to see students from every year level participating in the challenge and the library staff are thoroughly enjoying reading all of the short stories.

Below are three of the image prompts that have been the most popular so far and some of the entries, with judging still to happen. Maybe you can challenge yourself and be creative. Try writing a short story of 30 words or less yourself.

As always, if there are any questions about the Fast Fiction Challenge or anything else that the library staff can help with, parents and guardians are asked to contact us via email to library@mlmc.vic.edu.au

One day I couldn't sound my alarm. I'm still not sure why but my human woke up raging at 6.00 claiming I was broken and threw me into the trash.
— Grace Trinnick (Year 8 Purple)

The reaction never changes. Wake to warning calls through the speaker, i move to the covered bunker avoiding falling bombs. Close your eyes and pray to make it to another alarm.
— Shae Preston (Year 12 Blue)

Ninja Kitty scans the room. A dozen puppies lie on the floor, slumped over the railing, twisted, fainted and beaten, not a squeak is heard. Ninja Kitty reigns once more.
— Charlotte Lorbek (Year 11 Gold)

I love my best friend. She often ignores me and I don't think she really likes me all that much, but all I want to do is hug her pup.
— Chloe I Morris (Year 9 Jade)

Welcome to the WWE, Wildlife Wrestling Entertainment where arch rivals fight it out for pride and prizes. In our first bout, Butch applies sleeper hold to Simba. Night night kitty cat.
— Dan Beard (staff)

Behind a gate I saw a whirl of light revealing a limping dog. After I helped him it muttered "they always fall for the limp". Then he lunged at me.
— Denisse Lopez Garza (Year 9 Orange)

His nose was all I could see through my half opened eyes and just for a moment, my last moment... happiness, as my last breath was with my best friend.
— Olivia Corney (Year 7 Purple)