Two of the six Houses at the College — O’Neill and Frayne — have in the past month celebrated their respective histories and boosted House spirit by holding special celebration lunches. The two House Prefects did a terrific job of sharing information about who each House is named after and they tried to encourage participation in upcoming events to earn more points towards the House Cup.

Olivia Gardeniers (Frayne House Prefect):

On Friday 1 September we celebrated Frayne House and our history. Ursula Frayne was such an amazing woman who showed outstanding leadership and care for the community, so it was amazing to share some information about her with my peers. We had a good turnout and everyone was interested in learning about who our House was named after. We also had a sausage sizzle after, which Ms Tabacchiera and Mrs Dohrmann helped out with. Overall the day was lots of fun and very interesting, and I loved being able to have a chat with the students in my House and share the story of Ursula Frayne.

Ava Garthwaite (O'Neill House Prefect):

The O’Neill celebration day on Friday 18 August had great numbers and so many legends there! I spoke about O'Neill House and the history behind it. The House is named in honour of Mother Patricia O’Neill, Principal of the Mercy Training College and Superior General of the Melbourne Congregation. I'm glad that I saw so many faces down there at the Lecture Theatre and people had an overall great time.
