Students in Year 9 Agriculture care for our Isa Brown chickens at the College, who are excellent layers and produce lots of top quality eggs daily. Year 9 Agriculture students set up and maintained the coops, checked feed and water levels, collected eggs and weighed the chickens charting their progress as they grew from pullets to layers.

MLMC entered three chickens into the Secondary Schools Poultry Competition at the 2023 Royal Melbourne Show. Our birds achieved second placing in the competition. Alannah F, Morgan V, Chloe R and Nikita V collected the data and designed the poster that was judged in the competition.

Our MLMC McAuley Park Farm also had an entry in the wool grading competition with the fleece from our sheep winning awards this year. One of our entries received the first prize as a Champion Fleece and another finished in second place.

Well done to all students and staff involved in the program. Congratulations on winning ribbons in the Royal Melbourne Show!
