Dear members of the Mount Lilydale Mercy College community

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful spring weather, although the news of bouts of heavy rain and periodical flooding will be disconcerting to some. I hope you find joy in the beauty of the season. We must, of course, be mindful of those who struggle with water inundation and flooding around several towns in Victoria and further north and hope that their struggle is short-lived with the best possible outcome given the situation. We pray they receive all the support that they need at this time as their communities work together to overcome all the issues associated with the overflow of rivers, dams and water courses.

In many ways these storms are an analogy for change; with the creation of beauty comes some difficulty or a transition that requires planning and work.

This period of time at MLMC is certainly a time of transition and preparation for 2023, and this has certainly been evident over the past fortnight.

In the last newsletter I announced the College Prefects for 2023 and last Tuesday we held a whole College Assembly Prefect Investiture. This was a lovely ceremony whereby the outgoing Prefects presented to the incoming Prefects, and in so doing each was presented with a personal message as they transitioned into their role. The theme of the assembly was obviously one of leadership through service and the incoming College Captains presented their first speech to the student body. We can all be proud of the model of service provided to the incoming prefects by the 2022 Student Leadership Team, who can now rest and prepare for exams knowing that the student body will be well led.

This past week has seen us farewell, thank, and celebrate with the graduating Class of 2022 and in this, too, we can be grateful for a group of students who leave us in a dignified way, in which we can take delight.

Last Monday, we held a full College Assembly to formally farewell our graduating class. This, too, was a very special assembly led by the outgoing Prefect group and it provided the outgoing College Captains the opportunity to address the whole student body one last time. They did it with dignity and aplomb. I am grateful for their leadership and to the College staff, who have worked with this group over a long period of time to help them arrive at this milestone in their lives, understanding the importance of the support of the whole community.

Last Tuesday, while being a student free day for Year 7 to 11 students, was the last full day the graduating class would spend on this hill, Rourke’s Hill, as a whole group. While there was a sense of excitement, there was also a reluctance by some to leave the security of this place that has been their home for the most part for the past six years. We recognise that this group has had a difficult and disrupted past three years because of the many complications of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In their departure from this College, we wish them all well and pray for their continued success in whatever endeavours they so choose in the future. Let us all continue to pray for those who prepare for exams, knowing that these final weeks of study are so very important.

In the Spirit of Catherine,

May God Bless the graduating class of 2022.

And may God bless each and every one of you.

Philip A. Morison