The liturgical year is drawing to a close, culminating in the upcoming Solemnity of Christ the King. In the month of November, Catholics traditionally turn their thoughts to the return of Christ and remember their departed loved ones. This week, we observe two significant celebrations that direct our focus towards these themes.

On 1 November, we celebrate the solemnity of ‘All Saints’. On this day, we reflect on the multitude of Saints now residing in heaven, who serve as inspiring role models for us. We also implore their intercession in our prayers.

2 November marks ‘All Souls' Day’, a time for us to offer prayers and Mass for our dearly departed loved ones, seeking God's mercy and grace for their souls.

Let us pray:

Almighty ever-living God, by whose gift we venerate in one celebration the merits of all the Saints, bestow on us, we pray, through the prayers of so many intercessors, an abundance of the reconciliation with you for which we earnestly long. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

— Collect for the solemnity of All Saints

All Saints, pray for us.