Students in the Year 9 My House Rules class have collaboratively produced bedroom items in small groups according to the team requirements. They started planning their designs at the beginning of Term 3. The project was put on hold due to the Term 3 lockdown. Once the students returned to school, they resumed working on their projects and it was amazing to see that all the students endeavoured to complete their projects in a very short period of time.

Our Year 10 Glitz and Glamour and 11 Year 11 Product Design students also endeavoured to finish their projects once they returned on site, with wonderful results.

The students planned on a design brief to construct their garments before lockdowns halted production. After the lockdowns and other disruptions, they finally started their projects. With time constraints during the scheduled classes, they then had to spend some extra time during their lunch breaks to complete their projects. 

Well done to all of the students.
