On Friday 21 October members of the Class of 1992 and the Class of 2002 returned to the College for their 30-year and 20-year reunions, joining together to make it a fun night of reminiscing and catching up.

The evening began with guided tours of the College from the Old Collegians’ committee and College Principal Mr Philip Morison. Many alumni commented on how much the College has changed and grown over the years, yet there were still some remaining gems from their time as students, such as the quadrangle that brought back many memories. They then moved into Centennial Hall for a fun night of food, drink, dancing and laughter.

Thank you to those who attended and the Old Collegians’ committee members for volunteering their time to assist in the running of the event. I also want to say a huge thank you to Lisa Foley (Class of 1992) and Melanie Baird (Class of 2002) for their help in bringing this night together. It was wonderful to see so many alumni reconnect and reminisce on their time at MLMC.

We look forward to welcoming the Class of 1993 and Class of 2003 to their reunions next year. If you are from either of these classes and would like to be involved in the organisation of your upcoming reunion, please get in touch with the College via email to oc@mlmc.vic.edu.au or phone 9739 2220.
