Once again a group of enthusiastic students from Year 7-12 have this year taken part in the 2023 International Chemistry Quiz.

The quiz aims to “promote and encourage an awareness of the nature and relevance of chemistry amongst secondary school students” across a number of nations across the world.

It was fantastic to see our MLMC Science enthusiasts take on the challenge of the competition.

A number of students saw some great success and received High Distinction or Distinction awards. These students were recognised during the recent Awards ceremonies:

Award recipients

Year 7 Sylar Kirkwood (7 Silver)
Alex Koupparis (7 Orange)
Year 8Tahlia Dickinson (Year 8 Jade)

Bryce Good (Year 8 Silver)
Elsie Mitchell (Year 8 Silver)
Milla Kleverkamp (Year 8 Jade)
Nicholas Roper (Year 8 White)

Year 9Adam Johnson (Year 9 Green)
Year 11Lincoln van Duuren (Year 11 Silver)
Year 12Max Biddiscombe (Year 12 Silver)

We congratulate all the participants on their achievement.
