Year 10 Photography students were recently given the task of taking a photo and then using Photoshop software to enhance the image. Year 10 Red student Olivia Vandenberg chose to take a photo of Sr Mary White RSM’s dog Ida (below), which is training to become a therapy dog. She is also pictured (above) with Sr Mary White RSM and Ida.

Below Olivia writes about the task:

I was given a task during my Photography class of taking a picture at eye level. At the beginning of taking the photos it took time for Ida to settle and time to get the right shot — it was a waiting game. After Ida had settled herself down, I needed the time to focus the camera on to Ida. Once the photo was taken I was so excited to see the results of the Photoshop work. During the lesson I learnt how to crop out unwanted materials and blend the unwanted materials to the actual background of the photo, I learned how to correct the lighting and change the different perspectives during the time I was Photoshopping. I am excited to show my parents the results of the photo I have taken and edited. I have built a relationship with an animal I never knew until the start of this year. Taking these moments slowly can make a big impact on what happens around you.
