We are thrilled to share with you the recent strides our Year 10 Peer Support students have taken in working towards eliminating bullying within our College community. As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all students, our Year 10 Peer Support program has undergone specialised training aimed at recognising and addressing instances of bullying.

This training, led by the educationalist, Greg Mitchell, equipped our Peer Support students with invaluable skills and insights into identifying and effectively dealing with bullying behaviours. By understanding the various forms bullying can take and the impact it can have on individuals, our Year 10 students are now better equipped to intervene and support their peers in need.

What makes this training particularly powerful is its alignment with our UR Strong Pastoral Care program, which our students undergo in Year 7. The UR Strong program lays the foundation for students to develop positive strategies for resolving friendship issues and navigating interpersonal relationships.

The Year 10 Peer Support training builds on this foundation by providing students with practical tools to actively address bullying within our College community.

Greg Mitchell emphasised the importance of Year 10 students serving as role models and allies for their younger peers. By being present and supportive, our Year 10 Peer Support students play a crucial role in creating a culture of respect and empathy within our College.

We commend our Year 10 Peer Support students for their dedication to making our College a safer and more inclusive space for all. Their commitment to stamping out bullying sets a shining example for the entire College community to follow.
