Year 10 Outdoor Education is a great opportunity for students to learn about, and engage with, the environment. Term 1 sees students investigate various coastal habitats, analyse different people and groups that use the coast and develop opinions on how to best care for the beaches so many of us use regularly, particularly throughout the summer.

The highlight for most students is the two-day camp to the surf coast, starting in Queenscliff with a snorkelling experience in Port Phillip Bay before heading to Torquay to spend some time in the waves. This year’s camp, held on 14-15 March, started with an early morning surf, followed by a beach carnival that put students through their paces in a variety of events.

I thank the staff for giving up their time to make this camp possible, and to the students who enjoyed the camp, experienced a range of activities that many would not otherwise have done, and for the way they represented the College. Each group we interacted with, and also members of the general public, commented on the students' positive behaviour and manners.

Here are some student reflections of their experiences:

For me, the highlight of camp was when we got up really early and went surfing. It was a really nice morning for surfing because the weather was good and so was the water. It was also cool to watch the sun come up.
— Tyler B (Year 10 Silver)

My highlight from camp was our experience with a ray during snorkelling at Chinaman’s Hat. A small group of maybe five of us all put our heads under to swim back to the group and a large, old ray was directly underneath us. We all screamed and tried to evade the ray, even though it had lost its stinger and was completely harmless. I really enjoyed camp and thought it was a great and positive experience.
— Liv C (Year 10 Gold)

Camp was fun for many reasons such as the fun activities and getting to spend more time with my friends. Even on the long bus rides I was with my friends so it was entertaining.
— Hayden F (Year 10 Orange)

On the first day, we snorkelled at Pope's Eye with heaps of fish and birdlife, as well as swimming with seals at their protected reserve, called Chinaman’s hat. The second day we learnt how to surf in Torquay and participated in a beach carnival. I learnt how to surf and do awesome tricks at the beach. I also learnt how to duck dive and snorkel around marine life like seals, gannets, and kelp! Cooking dinner with my mates and going for a walk along the beach was also really cool.
— Blake S (Year 10 Orange)

My highlight of camp was definitely watching the sunrise while surfing. I was surprised when I got up on the board and rode a wave so that was for sure my favourite part of camp. I had a great time at camp and I really enjoyed spending time with my friends and doing something outside of my comfort zone.
— Henry F (Year 10 White)

Other than the sleeping (on mats), I absolutely loved camp and all the activities we got to do.
— Darcy V (Year 10 Silver)

My highlight of camp was 100% watching the sunrise on the beach while we were surfing. It was really hard waking up so early but so worth it. Another highlight was the second snorkelling site where I got to see the massive stingray. I was a bit nervous at the start but once I was there and with my friends I was okay.
— Bree W (Year 10 Purple)