On Friday 15 March, as a College community we celebrated St Patrick’s Day. St Patrick is both the patron saint of the Archdiocese of Melbourne and the parish of Lilydale on which the grounds of our College are situated. We did this by having a casual dress day for a gold coin donation, a bake sale and a pancake sale two days prior to St Patrick’s Day (Sunday 17 March).

Many of our Ministry students in Years 10, 11, and 12 were a key part of making the day a success. They were busy throughout recess and lunchtime selling baked goods in the Ministry Lounge, or cooking and selling pancakes in Catherine’s Way.

Competitions to ‘flip a pancake’ (using beanbags and egg flips) and tossing a coin to win chocolate were also held to raise money, with all funds going to our Project Compassion appeal.

Below are some of the reflections from Ministry students who took part:

I felt useful and I was a bit nervous, but after starting to sell the nerves settled. I am glad that I volunteered and it gives me the courage to do it in the future.

I enjoyed doing this. It was a fun new experience to serve people at the Ministry Lounge bake sale. I'm glad I did this as it was a little bit out of my comfort zone.

I was happy to take part in the running and preparation for St Patrick's Day as it is an enjoyable day where we raise money for a good cause.

I was excited to be part of the College community’s efforts and to help raise money to help people in need. Serving my peers and other members of the College was a nice experience and I got to interact with some new people.
