As we approach the occasion of Easter, it is essential to reflect on the profound messages this holy celebration imparts on us. Easter is not merely a day of festivity; it is a cornerstone of the Christian faith, carrying with it themes of renewal, redemption, and hope.

At the heart of Easter lies the story of Jesus Christ's resurrection, which serves as a beacon of hope for believers around the world. This event symbolises the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and life over death. It reminds us that even in our darkest moments, there is always the promise of a new dawn.

One of the central messages of Easter is that of renewal. Just as Jesus emerged from the tomb to new life, Easter encourages us to reflect on our own lives and seek renewal within ourselves. It is a time to let go of past mistakes, reconcile with others, and embrace the opportunity for personal growth and spiritual transformation.

As members of the Catholic community, we are called to embody the values of Easter in our daily lives. We are called to be beacons of hope in a world often plagued by despair, to extend a hand of kindness to those in need, and to spread love and compassion wherever we go. By living out these values, we honour the true meaning of Easter and fulfill our mission as disciples of Christ.

At the Easter Mass on Tuesday morning, I spoke to the students and staff about renewal:

I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the theme of renewal and its significance in our lives. Just as spring brings forth new life and growth, Easter serves as a powerful reminder of the potential for renewal and transformation that resides within each of us.

Easter is a time of rebirth, a time when we celebrate the triumph of hope over despair, light over darkness, and life over death. It is a time to embrace the opportunity for spiritual, emotional, and personal renewal, as we reflect on the lessons of the past and look forward to the promise of the future.

In the spirit of Easter, I encourage each of you to embrace the opportunity for renewal in your own lives.

Here are a few examples of what renewal might look like:

Self-reflection and growth: take this time to engage in self-reflection. Consider areas of your life where you would like to grow and improve, whether it's academically, personally, or spiritually. Set goals for yourself and take steps towards achieving them.

Forgiveness and healing: Easter reminds us of the power of forgiveness and reconciliation. If there are relationships in your life that are in need of healing, consider extending forgiveness and reaching out to mend those connections. Embrace the opportunity to let go of grudges and embrace peace.

Embracing change: change is inevitable, but it can also be a source of renewal and growth. Be open to new experiences, opportunities, and perspectives. Embrace change as a chance to learn, evolve, and become the best version of yourself.

Spreading kindness and love: Easter is a time to celebrate love and compassion. Take this opportunity to spread kindness to those around you, whether it's through simple acts of generosity, words of encouragement, or lending a helping hand to those in need.

Cultivating gratitude: take a moment to count your blessings and express gratitude for the abundance in your life. Cultivate a spirit of thankfulness for the people, experiences, and opportunities that enrich your journey.

As we celebrate Easter, may you find inspiration, hope, and joy in the journey ahead. Remember that each new day brings with it the opportunity for growth, transformation, and renewal.

During this Easter season, let us come together as a community to celebrate the messages of renewal, redemption, and hope that this holiday brings. May the spirit of Easter fill our hearts with joy, our minds with wisdom, and our souls with peace.

Wishing you a blessed Easter filled with love, peace, and the promise of renewal.

Over the last two weeks there have been a number of College events and below I have touched on a few of them.

On Monday 25 March, the College’s Athletics Carnival was held. Congratulations to all the students who participated. The Athletics Carnival offered a range of events, ensuring that all students had the opportunity to participate regardless of their skill level. This event promotes a sense of belonging and encourages students to explore and challenge themselves in new activities. The Athletics Carnival plays a crucial role in promoting physical health, fostering teamwork and sportsmanship, developing skills, nurturing personal growth, and building a strong sense of community. You can read more about the Athletics Carnival and take a look at some photos from the day HERE.

The first Community Forum Group meeting of the year was held recently and a number of items were discussed. The group looked at the School Review Report that was completed late last year and made some suggestions based on the recommendations for the College strategic plan for the next four years.

Year 9 Camp was held at Trafalgar East last week and it provided our students with a chance to challenge themselves and work with others within Year 9. Students seemed to have enjoyed themselves and I thank staff who assisted at the camp for the week. You can read more about the Year 9 Camp HERE.

I remind parents, guardians and students that the first day of Term 2 is Monday 15 April.

In the Spirit of Catherine,

God bless

Adam Skoczylas
Executive Deputy Principal