On Wednesday 26 April, author Kirsty Murray will be returning to our College for an evening event for families. Last year’s event (pictured) offered participants the opportunity to explore creative writing with a mini workshop activity which was enjoyed by all who attended.

In a fractured and disconnected world, stories build resilience and connection for people of all ages. Parents and families are invited to join Ms Murray in an interactive discussion about the joy of deep-diving into reading, writing and the vibrant stories that grow strong communities.

Ms Murray is the author of over 20 books for children and young adults. Her works have won national awards, including: the Western Australian Premier’s Literary Awards, New South Wales Premier’s History Awards and honours in the Children's Book of the Year Awards. She was also nominated for the international Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award for contributions to children’s literature.

More information about the event and how to register your attendance is available from the Parent Portal.

Families can also learn more about Ms Murray and her books by visiting her website. Click HERE.