The message of the Easter story is Good News for us today, particularly at a time when there is much darkness and sadness throughout the world. This Easter, may we pause and reflect on the beautiful and hope-filled message of the Resurrection, knowing the light of Christ will see us through the darkest times.


Heavenly Father
The Resurrection of your Son Jesus brought light into a world
that had been darkened by fear and unrest.

As we enter into our Easter celebrations, may the light of the Risen
Christ shine for us and through us.

May it bring hope, courage and healing to our communities and to
all people in need.

Through your selfless sacrifice may we be strengthened to reach out
to others, putting their needs before our own and offering
hospitality at every opportunity.

We thank you for the ultimate gift of love that we have
freely been given.

In mercy, may we now pass on that gift and truly celebrate
the real meaning of Easter.
