Dear members of the MLMC community

As we come to the end of another unprecedented term and one which many might be happy to farewell, I would like to thank you, our community, for your commitment to using the Rapid Antigen Tests throughout Term 1. This has assisted in helping us to keep our College community as free as possible of COVID-19 and as safe as possible.

You may have heard recently that the State Government is extending the screening program into Term 2. At present we have been notified testing will continue for the first four weeks of Term 2. The screening recommendations will remain the same for students and staff. Primary and secondary school students and staff are recommended to test at home twice a week.

Over the course of the last few years, we have experienced a number of changes in COVID-19 regulations. One such change that impacts on the frequency of testing relates to the period of time a person is exempt from testing once they have tested positive to COVID-19. Currently, a person does not need to test for COVID-19 for eight weeks (56 days) after initially testing positive.

Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) will continue to be distributed to students in the first weeks of Term 2. Should your child be absent on the day of distribution, they can collect their tests at Student Reception on their return.

The College will continue to do all we can to provide a safe environment, through the provision of hand sanitiser and air purifiers. Earlier in the term, we indicated that a student may take a few days before the mild symptoms they may be showing produce a positive test result. Please help keep our community safe by keeping students with symptoms at home.

As Term 1 concludes, many of you will have experienced or witnessed the impact of COVID-19, along with the impact isolation has had at the College and perhaps in your own workforce.

To assist the College in managing notifications of COVID-19 in households, we ask that you utilise the Parent Access Module (PAM) to inform the College of any student absences. This can be done by logging on to PAM via our website and clicking the Parent Notified Absences button and then including your child’s details and the reason for their absence. For your convenience, please find instructions on how to save PAM to your smartphone. PAM can then be used as an app. Instructions for both iOS and Android phones are included below.

If you are unable to access PAM, please email with any student absences. This will allow the College to best assist you should there be a need. Once you have reported a positive case of COVID-19 in your household, staff can then place work covered in class on Google Classroom pages. As always, families are welcome to contact staff to clarify work if instructions are unclear.

While I understand that the testing and isolation regime will have impacted many of you, rest assured that the staff at MLMC, both teaching and non-teaching, have continued to work often under trying conditions. Some days staff absences have numbered high into the 20s. I am appreciative and thank our staff who have laboured to ensure the best programs available given the ongoing circumstances.

As staffing levels have been low these last weeks, I have decided to close the office early these holidays. The office at MLMC will be open from 8.00am to 4.00pm on Monday 11 April and Tuesday 12 April. The office will be closed from Wednesday 13 April as staff will initially be working at home catching up on a backlog of administration work, with some staff members still in isolation.

The College and the office will reopen for Term 2 on Tuesday 26 April, at 8.00am.

Lastly, over this past few weeks the College has hosted a number of events:

I am grateful for our College leadership team, teaching and support staff who planned and represented me at these events as I took personal leave to undergo some surgery.

I hope you all enjoy a well-earned break with family these holidays. I hope you find time to focus on renewal with the up and coming Easter season and the pascal mystery.

In the Spirit of Catherine

God bless

Philip A Morison