As we hear about the tragic events of the past few days and the violence that has erupted in many places, it would be easy to be despondent. Yet as Christians, we are still in the midst of one of the most joyous events in the liturgical year, the Resurrection of Jesus. Let us be reminded of the hope that this brings and the promise that God is with us through the challenges and in those moments where we may feel lost.

Please pray for all who have suffered as the result of violence and hatred and ask God to send his spirit of peace to all who are suffering.

19April2024 Prayer1

We pray that the glory and the promise of this joyous time of year
brings us a sense of peace.

May Christ, Our Risen Saviour,
always be there by our side to bless us abundantly

We pray for peace and reconciliation in our hearts, in our minds and in our actions.
May we help to spread words of hope — the hope we have in Jesus.

Father, Your will is to bring together, not create barriers.

Help us to be reconcilers so we may be your light in the world.
