The MLMC Careers department began the year with Year 7 student sessions focusing on our MLMC alumni’s stories, with an aim to introduce the concept of a ‘career’ and the importance of developing self-awareness to inform pathway, subject and career choices as they grow through their years at our College.

We invited young alumni Nathan Schubank, who was McAuley Prefect in his graduating class (2018), to address our Year 10 students on his career journey so far. Nathan challenged our students' outlook, proposing “it’s okay if you don’t yet know what you want to do after school, but it’s not okay if you’re not actively seeking out and investigating the possibilities and reflecting on what you need in a career to be fulfilled”. In response, our Year 10 students have worked steadily through an intensive Careers Seminar Program focusing on what the labour market is doing in Australia, including the growing gig economy and the place of global online entrepreneurship. They’ve completed occupation investigations across industries. They’ve also learnt how to research and appropriately communicate to apply for a Work Experience placement and completed extensive micro-credentialling on occupational health and safety awareness in preparation for their placements.

Year 10, 11 and 12 students have heard from representatives from Deakin University and La Trobe University about their respective culture, campuses and courses. Our Year 10s currently doing a Unit 1 and 2 subject were particularly keen to hear about how they can include university extension studies into their Year 12 learning Program at Deakin University. We also invited representatives from OELLEN and MEGT, one of the larger group training organisations in our area, to speak to our VCE-Vocational Major students and VCE students keen to explore an apprenticeship pathway.

Year 12 information sessions were held in study periods for Careers advisors to frame the year ahead for our 2023 graduates eager to learn about their options post school. Destination data from last year’s graduates was presented and a 2023 timeline of applications to university, TAFE and apprenticeships was explained. Particular focus was placed on upskilling our Year 12 students with VTAC course search, direct applications, understanding the benefits of applying for university early offer schemes, as well as the difference between a raw ATAR score and a course selection rank (which includes selection rank boosts). These sessions were followed by one-on-one counselling appointments where students were advised on how best to strategically achieve their career aspirations. Our Year 12s echoed each other with their desire for a career that will give them financial security, a chance to contribute positively to the world, as well as the opportunity for a balanced lifestyle, with family, central to their idea of success.
