(1) Student Achievements

Congratulations to Brigitte Rice (Year 10 Orange) who finished fifth in Australia in the 3000m at the National Athletics Championships held in Brisbane over the holidays.

If you have any other student achievements, please email them to me at dwebb@mlmc.vic.edu.au

(2) MLMC athletics training

Track and field training is held on Wednesday mornings (7.00-8.00am), with a bus provided back to school. It is held at Morrison Reserve, Mount Evelyn, for all EISM squad members and non-squad members and it is free to students. Breakfast is also provided. Students should see me in the Doyle Centre or email me for more details.

The EISM Athletics Carnival will be held on Tuesday 9 May, while the EISM Athletics Champions Carnival will be held on Thursday 25 May.

(3) EISM sport

With EISM competition soon to resume for Term 2, the following points are important to remember:

  • students should check the sport plans which are on the Doyle Centre window and Google Classroom pages at the beginning of every week
  • if a student is unable to play in their team in a particular week, they need to let their coach know as early as possible
  • students should be on time to the Doyle Centre on their sport day. All EISM teams need to leave at the start of lunch (occasionally earlier) to get to venues to play
  • uniforms need to be 100% correct to ensure no forfeited games — hockey, soccer and football players must wear long navy socks (available at the Doyle Centre to purchase for $10) and mouthguards must be worn for hockey. NO CORRECT UNIFORM, NO GAME.