On 3-4 May, the Humanities faculty welcomed the organisation History Up Close to the College. These external providers gave students great insights into ancient civilisations (Year 7 on the Wednesday) and medieval history (Year 8 on the Thursday). Students in Year 7 were involved in sessions on Rulers and Subjects as well as Warriors and Warfare. During the sessions, the students were provided the opportunity to try on clothing and armour from ancient Rome and the Egyptian period.

As you can see from the photos below, the sessions were very hands-on which provided an excellent chance for students to see history up close and reflect on what they had been studying in class.

For the Year 8 students, they have been investigating medieval history in class. Their sessions involved Arms and Armour and Custom and Lifestyle. They had the chance to try on armour from the medieval period and engage in discussions on the techniques involved in making clothing and armour from the period.

I thank the teachers and students involved in the both incursions and hope students were able to consolidate their learning through the sessions on both days.

Below some of our students share their reflections of the incursions:

The Humanities incursion was great! I learnt lots of new things about how ancient Romans would fight and what gear they would use. My favourite part was when we played a fight game at the end.
— Olivia Majdancic (Year 7 Green)

I liked the Humanities incursion when we learnt about ancient Egypt and the stories. I would like to learn more about this civilisation in class.
— Flynn Van Der Klift (Year 7 Green)

I got chosen to get the chainmail armour put on me and it was very cool and it was pretty heavy. When I was brought up they were talking about the different helmets and how they worked. I got to hold a spear and sword and two different shields, but they were all made out of rubber. It was cool when I put on the big helmet that covered my whole face.
— Harrison Sauzier (Year 8 Jade)

We had people come to our school to show us medieval weapons and the unique ways they were used. We learned about long swords, maces, short knives, short swords, battle axes, various types of shields, and armour. We learned how to use many of these weapons and which ones were effective in combat against others and in the end a few kids got to have a fight with long swords made of rubber.
— Thomas Bernadini (Year 8 Jade)
