This past week Miss Ava Brown (Youth Ministry Officer), Amelia Jerin (Mercy and Justice Prefect), Stephanie Martinez (Faith and Ministry Prefect) and I participated in a virtual immersion with Caritas Australia to continue our connection and to review the recent Project Compassion campaign. This provided a great opportunity to reflect on our achievements as a school community and to share ideas for future growth.

Caritas thanked us for the pro-active work carried out during Lent, not just with fundraising but also the level of awareness raising. The College raised $2197.90 for Project Compassion this year.

“I really enjoyed having the opportunity to connect on a personal basis with someone from Caritas and it was rewarding to see that the work we do in our school helps broader communities that need it more. It was a great insight into the work of Caritas,” Amelia said.

“This experience enabled us to see behind the scenes and the amount of work that goes into the preparation of resources for schools,” Stephanie said. “It reinforced for me how privileged I feel to hold my position of leadership at the College but also the responsibility to work with future leaders to build on what we have learnt.”