On Friday 21 May, myself, Father Dean Bradbury and nine students from Years 10-12 attended the Seeds of Justice virtual conference. The theme of this day was 'To be shining lamps: Mercy empowering women'. This day allowed us time to reflect on some of the amazing women who have had a big influence on our Mercy history. 

The main presenter was Sister Angela Reed RSM, who is head of Mercy Global Action and a Mercy representative to the United Nations. She spoke to us about the work of Mercy International. Angela Scarafilo, from Young Mercy Links, outlined some of the amazing opportunities available to students beyond Year 12.

The conference reinforced for us just how many opportunities are available at MLMC for students to be empowered to be who God calls them to be. All participants contributed to a plan of ways in which MLMC could further spread Catherine McAuley's vision.

Here are some student reflections from the experience:

“It was an amazing experience to highlight just how much MLMC as a co-educational school is doing to support and empower its students and its community. I really enjoyed the conference, and it's amazing to see how much everything we do can affect the environment, and what we can do to assist with it too.” 
— Abbey Wheeler (Year 12 Green)

“The Seeds of Justice program was very interesting and I found it quite enjoyable to interact with peers about the topics of women's empowerment and equality. I also had the opportunity to learn about other Mercy schools and see how they promote equality and women's empowerment.”
— Sienna Armstrong (Year 10 Silver)

“My favorite part about the conference was discussing the possibilities to create a more welcoming and encouraging environment for girls and other students.”
— Rekik Brilli (Year 10 Jade)

“The experiences shared between the Mercy schools and the discussion was very insightful. Something that stood out to me was the lack of representation of women in the media. I also realised that many women who have done so much for their country or charities do not have a high profile.”
— Perry Leane (Year 11 White)

“I found the meeting both intriguing and insightful. I feel as though I've gained a new perspective on things and am more knowledgeable about equality and the things that the Mercy community is doing in regards to this.”
— Ella Mae Aranco (Year 11 Blue)
