The College’s VET Certificate II Agriculture program continues to grow and develop future food producers. Growing in enrolment by 40% this year, the students are enjoying getting their hands dirty and looking after all aspects of animal production.

This past month the course has focused on nutrition as the students complete studies on feeding livestock. Weighing the ewes each week, students have mixed supplement feed to cater for the nutritional needs of our pregnant ewes. By assessing paddocks and performing fecal egg counts as part of a worm control program, the students have developed an understanding of Integrated Pest Management (IMP) practices, optimising the use of drenches.

In recent weeks the students have also learned about stock watering systems, from pulling apart pumps and valves to understanding the design of components (pictured), to building their own miniature water systems and trouble shooting. They also participated in the construction of a wetland at a local farm and learnt about whole catchment management as part of their water management subject.

In the coming months, the students will continue to care for the College’s flock, as well as prepare sheep for showing at this year’s Royal Melbourne Show.

If you want to find out more about the possibilities and employment possibilities for students that stem from studying Agriculture at MLMC, contact the Careers team.
