This year we have been fortunate to have Fr Rob Galea from FRG Ministry come and minister to our Year 11 and 12 students for their Retreat experience. Fr Rob is the founder of FRG Ministry. He has a heart and passion to see others come to encounter the love of Jesus Christ and find a home in His church. Fr Rob is an ordained Catholic Priest and is currently serving in Sandhurst Diocese after moving to Australia from Malta. He is also an international singer and songwriter.

Over two days last week, 25 and 26 May, the Year 11 and 12 students had a wonderful experience at the Discovery Church in Mount Evelyn. Fr Rob shared his testimony, spoke about the wonders of God’s love and gave a very strong message of hope to our community. After a substantial lunch we made our way back to the College where College Chaplain Father Dean Bradbury celebrated the Eucharist for us. The feedback from both days was very positive.

Here are some student reflections from the Retreat experience:

It was so inspiring to learn about someone else's life and how Fr Rob improved his life. I loved how Fr Rob was able to share his difficult life as a teenager and how he flipped his life around to make it better for himself with the help of God and love of family. I loved learning his stories through his music and how he is still sharing his music as Ministry. It helped me understand that I need hope and faith in my life to keep moving forward and that my family and friends are always there for me if I need a helping hand.
Mia Baxter (Year 11 Jade)

The day was a lot of fun and the sessions were broken up by songs, played and sung beautifully. We heard Fr Rob’s story and how he struggled as a teenager but then got back up on his feet. This was inspiring because he made me feel like that if he can do it, I can also face difficulties and get through them. The day gave us many good messages, such as ‘do it scared’. This helped me to understand that it’s OK to be frightened, but what matters is what I do about it and how I work through it.
Charlotte Lorbek (Year 11 Gold)

The Year 12 Retreat was something we had looked forward to. We were not disappointed. Going to Discovery Church in Mount Evelyn was fun and an amazing experience thanks to the incredible singing and musical talents of Fr Rob Galea and his band. It was an amazing experience that I really enjoyed and it will last in my memory forever. It was an amazing and successful day.
Sebastian Roberts (Year 12 Red)
