The annual National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is an immersion program for Australian students about to enter Year 12. The program involves visiting science research groups and facilities from a range of areas and industries to experience ground-breaking research that is being done in Australia.

Earlier this year, Max B (Year 12 Silver) took part in the 2023 NYSF and we congratulate Max on his successful selection and participation in this wonderful opportunity. Well done, Max!

Below Max writes about the NYWF experience:

Attending the NYSF was a great experience that allowed me to explore potential career options in STEM. Over the course of the program we explored areas from additive manufacturing (3D printing) to quantum computing and everything in between. The program really allowed me to explore my options and helped me get more of an idea for what I want to do when I finish Year 12.

I also got to meet new people in my constellation group along with participating in fantastic activities run by the student staff. We solved difficult riddles, made amazing zoom and ran a talent show. Also, between events we had time for social activities such as scavenger hunts and cupcake decorating.

Overall NYSF was a fantastic experience and I hope any MLMC students taking part in the future have just as great a time.

The NYSF Year 12 program will run two summer sessions in 2024, with participants staying at university colleges. The 2024 dates and locations are Australian National University in Canberra (5-13 January 2024) and the University of Queensland in Brisbane (12-20 January 2024).

This program is supported by the Rotary Club, who may offer some financial support. Students interested in taking part can read more about it via the link HERE or speak with your VCE Science teacher or myself.