Year 9 Religious Education Reflection Day

There really is a growing pressure for young people to hurry through the stages of relationships. We live in a fast-paced world. Fast food? Takes too long these days. A web page that is taking more than five seconds to load. So frustrating! We are always looking for a faster, more efficient, quicker way of getting to where we want and need to get to. With this considered, it is no surprise that more and more young people are rushing through the important stages in a relationship (David and Katie Kobler from Your Choicez).

Year 9 students recently had the privilege of working with Your Choicez, an organisation that supports young men and women to make informed choices in this important, formative stage of their lives. This is what some of the students had to say:

Brianna: An informative day about choices we will face in our lives. This day taught us to make important choices ... to understand the consequences that could come with (our choices) depending on the decision. We learnt something important and significant.

Samantha: It was interesting, funny and relevant to everyone, in one way or another. I learnt a lot about objectification, relationships and even role models. We were given the opportunity to discuss it in smaller groups. I’m glad the school gives us this opportunity.

Connor: An enlightening experience. It allowed us to learn about how to craft and maintain healthy relationships. We discussed any queries or concerns we had at the end of the day. It was very informative.

Year 10 Religious Education Reflection Day

Setting out on 16 December 2006, Sam Clear walked 15,500km from the eastern-most point of Brazil, through South America, Central America and North America, across Siberia on theTrans-Siberian Railway and travelled on foot again from Moscow to the western-most point of Spain — all for the sake of Christian unity.

Sam recently spoke to the Year 10 students about engaging in life’s great passions, communication, choices and consequences and trusting, our own, others and God’s love for us. He certainly made a positive impact on the students. Here are some of the student reflections:

Tali: Inspiring. He persevered through all of the hardships that he has been through in his life. It makes me view the world and myself in a different way, a positive way, showing me that there is a possibility for anyone to try and make a difference. He made us all think about what we could achieve.

Amie: This was one of the best reflection/seminar days that we have ever had at this school, an incredible story. He was brave enough to share some of his deepest feelings and experiences, as well as his most monumental accomplishments. It was immensely inspiring listening to all the hardships he has had to endure over his lifetime and how he has overcome them.

Maddie: I really enjoyed the presentation. It was very genuine, and I liked that he was honest about the struggles he faced, in particular his struggle with his faith and trusting God. He gave practical advice.

Harrison: A very inspiring person. Yesterday really made me think of how I can make a change in the world ... helping my brother with his homework or creating international awareness of a particular issue.
