Spectrum Journeys and Amaze are two community resources that MLMC access to help build our teachers' understanding of Autism and Autistic persons. These two organisations have information sessions coming up and the Spectrum Journeys webinars are free, which may assist if you have a child who is Autistic (particularly a female teenager).

We would love to help link families to more community resources, so if you, or anyone you know, has links to other community resources we could share, please feel free to email Mrs Anne Cochrane at acochrane@mlmc.vic.edu.au


A session called ‘Raising Autistic Teenage Girls’ will be held on Thursday 21 March at Glen Eira Town Hall about empowering autistic girls, parents and professionals to thrive. It will feature psychologists Dr Michael Carr-Greg and Dr Janine Manjiviona, autism self-advocate Chloe Hayden and Vanessa Thomas from Family Planning Victoria. For details, see the flyer attached. For tickets and further information, visit raisingautisticteenagegirls.eventbrite.com.au

Spectrum Journeys

Spectrum Journeys has just celebrated six years as a service and to celebrate they have produced a series of webinars to support people. In particular they hope these webinars will support families in regional areas and give practical strategies for the classroom, in meetings and for the home. The webinars are free, thanks to the support of The Andrews Foundation. The webinars address three very different topics, but throughout, the goal is to amplify strengths, see children on the Spectrum flourish and for carers and parents to gain valuable tools.

You will need these codes to access the webinars in March:
Unpacking ASD HERE
Communication HERE
Pre-teen Girls HERE

If you would like more information about Sepctrum's services or would like to provide feedback on the webinars please email info@spectrumjourneys.org.au