Dear members of the Mount Lilydale Mercy College community

Change is an interesting thing, an interesting process which has been on my mind of late. For instance, how do we ensure good processes around change to assure sustainable, lived and embraced change, how do we teach that change is an inevitable part of life and that resilience comes from embracing it. While change is inevitable, change for the sake of it is empty and not worthy of our time.

I have some favourite short quotes about change that continue to inspire me and give direction in decision making.

The first I heard while watching a West Wing episode many years ago: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead

I really like this concept because in many ways I imagine that we are all being called to enact it.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world” — Mahatma Ghandi

“If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.” — Ed Foreman

and finally

“Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past and present are certain to miss the future” — John F. Kennedy

So to change is a part of life within our College.

Firstly, our College uniform continues to evolve to be more equitable for everyone. In the last 18-months we introduced trousers for girls as a part of the winter uniform to ensure they have warm options for the colder months and also to create more opportunity for participation. In addition, there was also the introduction of compulsory tracksuit pants in winter as part of the College sports uniform. Both of these changes have been embraced and I thank you for your support. Adherence to the College uniform policy is agreed upon during enrolment and should never be an issue that causes tension between families and the College.

Our uniform continues to evolve. At the last Advisory Council meeting, after consultation through a small working party and the College Executive, the Council approved a change to the girls’ summer uniform. The Council approved the introduction of a ‘girls cut’ summer shirt and shorts as an alternative to the summer dress. We are now talking to the uniform suppliers to get such items made and hope they will be available from the beginning of 2020. Suitable adjustments will now be made to the implementation guidelines of our Uniform Policy.

A second change worthy of your consideration is a change to the College Mobile Phone Policy and how students use such devices at the College. Going back a few years, the College had a policy whereby mobile phones could not be used whilst at school. Considering the way of the world and technology usage in society, we relaxed that policy to allow a far more liberal approach.

We were wrong. Over these past two years, walking around the campus, it has become obvious that students are using technology way too much and not learning to interact without them. Anecdotally we believe that the social development of some children is being hampered by overuse of technology.

Furthermore, I have received a number of communications from parents, both existing and future, indicating their displeasure with our current policy. I have also formed the belief that issues around cyber safety and cyber bullying are again increasing.

With regard to all of the above and after consultation with parents and staff, we have decided it is time to correct our policy remembering that we do this for educational reasons and for the overall development of our students.

Accordingly we have developed a new College policy around this issue.


1.1. This policy explains the circumstances whereby student use of devices is acceptable within the school setting, as well as ensuring students and parents understand the responsibility that goes with the use of such a devices.

1.2. Devices, other than the portable electronic devices (i.e. MacBook or Chromebook) issued by the College, or a BYO device agreed upon by the College, are not to be used or carried by students between the hours of 8.45am and 3.15pm.

1.3. By limiting access to personal devices, students will be:

1.3.1. enabled to concentrate and engage more fully in their learning away from notifications, distractions, and the urge to check their phone;

1.3.2. in a safer, more supportive learning environment, as personal mobile devices (not on the school network) cannot be monitored and inappropriate sites cannot be blocked;

1.3.3. encouraged to develop stronger social skills and build deeper relationships with their peers; and

1.3.4. empowered to improve their physical and mental health by unplugging during the day.

Please find a full copy of the final draft of our updated policy and implementation guidelines attached.

These are final drafts and are yet to be approved at Advisory Council level, although they have been given an in principle agreement.

In reading these draft policies, please remember that no policy can cover every possible situation and it is the spirit of the policy which is important. It is also the spirit of the policy for which we seek your support.

In the coming weeks all students will be told of this change in policy, which will be implemented at the start of Semester 2 this year.

I understand this is a substantial change and it is only with your support that issues will be minimised.

God Bless