Dear members of the Mount Lilydale Mercy College community,

The process of changing from one year to the next has well and truly begun at the College. This term we have seen:

These are all signs of celebration of a year in the passing. But, there is much to be done before the 2019 year is finalised.

Last week, we celebrated the Year 11 final exams, celebratory Mass and Academic Awards ceremony. This week, the Academic Foundation Program began and the Year 12 Class of 2020 began their final year of study. Year 10 students have started their final exams and will soon prepare to make the transition to Year 11.

I must admit, though, that this is not what I am currently thinking about. My focus is squarely on the graduating Class of 2019 — as we prepare for their Graduation tomorrow night at the Melbourne Convention Centre.

In many ways this is a great night of celebration, such an important milestone in the lives of these young people as they move from being students of the College to becoming part of our Old Collegians network. In many ways I look forward to this celebration and in other ways I feel hesitant about it. Graduation is the final celebration whereby we farewell them as members of College — we farewell them from the safety of school and send them out into the world hoping that they have been readied and knowing that they have been prepared. Leaving home is a time full of emotion for both the young adult and the parent. We wish them well, each and every one of them, and we pray for their happiness and a life of meaning.

I often reflect on our students as they leave and I offer this reflection, which is an excerpt from an article I found and liked — although I have changed a few words:

Your path ahead is one of promise, principle, and character, and as you gather yourself for what I’m sure will be an amazing journey, please allow me to pass on a few thoughts — advice, as it were. As you read these reflections, I implore you to remember that these are things I have either learned directly, or I’m still learning. I might be 28 years your senior, Love, but I’m still figuring out how life works. We all are; anyone who tells you differently is selling something.

1. The world is unfair
In your travels, you will come in contact with many people. Some will do the right thing, others will only do what benefits them, and it might have an impact on you and your life. But, here’s the thing: You can’t make anyone do what is your version of good or right; you can only control how you act or react to what’s presented to you. Does it suck? Yes… and that’s unfortunately a part of life.

2. The decisions are always yours
We are always pressured by outside influences, and never has it become more apparent than this year. The nagging questions you’ve heard from everyone: “What are you going to do after high school? What will you study in College (university)?” Great questions, to be sure … but I would ask you to think of them as guiding questions. No matter what you choose or decide, you always have the option to change your mind. Just stay true to your heart and the rest will fall into place.

3. You are worthy of what you want
Your life will take you many places, and the people around you will offer many differing thoughts and opinions. No matter what they say, you are worthy of what you want from this life. You require no permission, no validation, and no allowance for what you want. If you think it and you want it, you can get it. Never allow anyone to tell you otherwise.

4. Do your best not to judge others
You will never truly know what is going on in someone else’s life. When you see or experience someone who is doing something differently than you, take pause before you offer your thoughts and opinions, or hand down judgment. In truth, we are all doing the very best we can based on where we have been and where we are going in this life. Sometimes others’ ‘best’ isn’t very good for us, but it’s all they have. If their path doesn’t align with yours, you don’t have to judge them for it. Recognise that people are different, and move on without deciding they were wrong. Them being ‘wrong’ is irrelevant; they were just wrong for you.

5. Always practice kindness
It takes so little to effect change, both for yourself and others. Take a moment to connect with people around you in little ways. A smile to a stranger while walking down the street or a comment of “Love your hair!” to a cashier at the local coffee shop can sometimes make all the difference in ways you might never know. Give all you can without the promise of reciprocation, for that is the key to long-term happiness with one’s self.

6. Stand up for yourself and your truth
Your convictions and beliefs matter. Never allow anyone — including me — to dictate your thoughts or the things in which you believe. If you believe something, always listen to opposing viewpoints (as you might learn things of which you weren’t aware), but you choose whether or not to change/sway your opinions and ideas. Bottom line: Speak your truth, and let go of the outcome, as you can’t control it.

7. Never underestimate the importance of trust and loyalty
Some of those you meet will be filled with honour and are worthy of your time. Others … well, they have different ideas. Trust and loyalty aren’t given freely. And they also aren’t ‘proven’, as asking for proof has a tendency to keep you doubting others and seeing people though a pessimistic lens. Trust and loyalty are demonstrated — through both action and word. It’s not just what they say, it’s what they do that counts.

8. You are AMAZING … exactly as you are
People change. Our bodies change. Our thoughts and outlook on life change. But none of that defines your amazingness. Fat, thin, old, young, dressed in sweats or the latest designer dress, at the worst job or making millions, single, married, or divorced … you are an amazing person filled with talents and gifts.

9. Choose to love wisely
It’s written that love takes work. It doesn’t; it just takes conscious effort. If you find yourself chasing love without reciprocation, or wondering why you are feeling like crap because of how they talk to you or treat you, then it’s time to take a serious look at why you are still with them. This goes for any type of relationship — friends, coworkers, or romantic interests.

10. Never stop chasing your dreams
Yes, life is short. The bottom line is that none of us are going to make it out of this alive. As such, there is no destination for life … it's just a journey. Most often at the end of that journey, we don’t feel remorse at the choices we made, but rather we are wistful at the choices we didn’t make. Unrequited dreams are the stuff of regret. Don’t live with regret hunting you down waiting to tell you, ‘I told you so’. Chase your dreams. Perhaps you achieve them; perhaps not. What matters most is that you stay true to your soul.

11. Failure isn't something to fear
Don't be afraid of failure, as failure is the universe’s most valuable teaching tool. Those who are afraid to fail are also afraid to succeed. It matters not that you succeed every time — and I’ll save you the suspense; you won’t. But, in order to find the light, you’ll need to risk the dark.

You can read the full article HERE.

God bless
Philip A Morison