A group of Senior VCAL students are seeking second-hand bikes to be donated to help a community in need as part of their curriculum.

As part of Mr Feher and Mrs Brown's class, students Tom Rutzou, Bailey Wilson, Clayton Richards, Antonio Molluso and Tyler Borg (pictured) will be supporting people in third world countries by collecting, repairing and sending bikes to them so that they can get to resources that would otherwise be impossible to get to or would take a lot of time.

While the group have not yet decided on a charity that the bikes will be donated to, we are working on a few different ideas.

Bike donations can be made until 11 May by contacting Tom Rutzou via email to 18trutzou@mlmc.vic.edu.au

This is a project that is a part of our VCAL curriculum that involves us having to work in groups to help a community of people less fortunate than ourselves. We, as a group, decided to do this specific venture because of the knowledge base we all have in mechanics.

As well, we have come to notice the hardships that people in third world countries face daily.

They have to walk large distances over rough terrain, and in dangerous or hostile areas too in some cases, to get such simple amenities as water.

We feel that this is a very large issue within these sorts of villages and one that we may not be able to solve, but we can definitely lend a helping hand in.