New research commissioned by Sustainability Victoria has shown that Generation Z are throwing away $115 of food waste per week, compared to Baby Boomers who are just over one-tenth of that at $17 per week. Below is an excerpt of an article published in the latest Sustainability Victoria newsletter

Sustainability Victoria has released new research that indicates young Victorians and parents with children are key contributors to the state’s food waste dilemma with an estimated cost of around $5.4 Billion annually. Sustainability Victoria found that Generation Z (born 1995 to 2010) are more flippant with their grocery shopping, throwing out a reported $115 of food waste weekly, compared to Baby Boomers who reported just over a tenth of that at $17 per week.Other new findings also showed that almost half of the Victorian population are unaware of how much money they are throwing in the bin in the form of food waste and that males throw away double that of their female counterparts.

You can read the full article here:

A new campaign called Love Food Hate Waste, Love a List has just been launched with a new documentary which encourages Victorians to write better shopping lists and to stick to them, inorder to reap the rewards of not only reducing their food waste, but saving them money on their weekly grocery shop.

You can learn more about the campaign by watching this documentary: