The 2018 Kool Skools CDs have arrived and this year’s CD is our best yet. Due partly to the fact that more boys are now members of Kool Skools, we now have more bands backing our songwriters and rock has arrived at MLMC. The production value of the songs is fantastic and cover a broad array of genres and tastes — you're bound to like at least one of them.

One notable song is track No. 10, The Misconception, by Sam Johnston-Bailey (Year 12 Purple). Sam is a long-time member of the Kool Skools team and has played guitar and written music for many of the songs. This year, he wrote his own song and produced all of the music on it, with Charli Lilagan (Year 11 Purple) on vocals. His song is basically a protest song about the detention centres and his lyrics are both insightful and moving. In my opinion it's the best song to feature on any Kool Skools CD.

By audition, students are selected to have their original music recorded at Empire Records Studio 52 in Collingwood. This amazing opportunity draws together musicians of all genres and gives students the opportunity to have their songs professionally mastered and released on CD.

We would like to pass on a special thank you to Mr Greg Hysted and Miss Rachel Berka for their assistance throughout the year. As always, their contribution was greatly appreciated.

Pick up a free CD from student reception and listen to one of the best collaborative projects the school has to offer. We hope you enjoy it.
