MLMC has a proud tradition of growing food locally and eating it locally. Our Science students contribute to the Plot to Plate program and on National Agriculture Day on Wednesday 21 November, we celebrated the good that our farmers do each year.

Using incredible scientific advancements we feed more people more sustainably with every passing year. As a result, the Australian community enjoys food that is safe, affordable and nutritious, while wearing some of the world’s most loved natural fibres.

On National Agriculture Day, our students harvested peas in the morning and delivered them to staff, while senior classes supported Australian farmers by having a meat barbecue. There was also a curriculum discussion. The learning topic on the day was about beef production, which is a resource intensive farming industry. What are the alternatives to meat and what are their associated resource implications? There are many other less resource intensive ways to feed the country — what are the implications of the choices we make when we choose our food?
