Welcome back for Term 2

After a lovely Easter break, it does not take long for the rhythm of the College to once again pick up the pace of where we left off. Already students have been involved in an array of activities and have celebrated the start of the term with a student-led full school assembly. Congratulations to all of the students involved, but particular mention to our College band on how professional they sounded. A real highlight.

House Cup update

Another highlight at the start of Term 2 was the atmosphere around the announcement of who is leading the House Cup Challenge. To win the House Cup, students engage in a year-long battle for points through the Athletics and Swimming carnivals, receiving day-to-day Commendations through the College Colours affirmation process and house-based lunchtime activities. Through getting involved and having a bit of fun at lunchtimes, students earn points for their house to help win the cup.

The House Cup positions (as at the start of Term 2):
In 6th place is Ryan House
In 5th place is Frayne House
In 4th place is Terry Dunn House
In 3rd place, only 43 points off the top, is Maguire House
In 2nd place, trailing by only 23 points, is O’Neill House
With Carr slightly out in front in 1st place. House Captain Matthew Phillips is pictured with the House Cup.

Plenty can happen between now and the end of Term 3, when the winners for the year are decided, so encourage your child to get involved in as much as they can. Points will soon be awarded to those who compete in a lunchtime downball competition.

Debutante Balls

Thank you also to the staff who have given up so much of their time this year to ensure our Year 11 Debutante Balls were as successful as they were. Many hours of supervision in preparation and the time spent on the two nights were well worth it, as our students demonstrated their skills and enabled our community to again come together in celebration of our young people. You can read more about the event HERE.

Change to winter uniform

A reminder that we are now in full winter uniform. Year 12 students are reminded that their Year 12 jacket can only be worn at school. The blazer remains the outer garment for all students. With colder weather approaching, it is always tempting to wear extra layers to school. Please be mindful, hoodies and the like must not be worn under the blazer. If cold, please wear the College jumper.

Recall on some blazers

Three years ago, the material used to make the College blazer was changed. By and large, the presentation of the blazer has remained high, with the quality of the material standing up to the rigours of daily wear and tear. However, it has been noted recently that some blazers have been pilling and wearing inconsistently. Recent talks with the suppliers have concluded that a batch of material used may have been imperfect and prone to pilling. It has been agreed that any blazer that is excessively pilling or showing signs of inconsistent wear should be returned to the Bob Stewart Uniform Shop at the College for a replacement — at no cost to parents.

As always, please feel free to contact me if you have anything you would like to chat about.
